首先一个js插件关键的要点就是 不依赖、不污染、独立,不依赖与其它的方法和元素,独立自成一体。
IIFE:immediately invoked functional expression 就是我们平常所说的立即执行函数:
(function() {}());
然后我们需要一个构造函数来实现一个类,关于如何用js实现类可以参考一些js的书籍,这里我们使用构造函数的方式。在立即执行函数中的作用域是全局 window, 函数中的this 就代表的是 window ,如下先定义this.AudioPlayer 就等于window.AudioPlayer , 这样相当于AudioPlayer这个变量名称已经在全局作用域中使用了。
(function() {this.AudioPlayer = function AudioPlayer() {}}());
然后建立一个对象就简单了,直接 var _audioPlayer = new AudioPlayer()就创建了一个对象。
一般来讲,一个对象总会有一些初始化参数,比如我们的播放器AudioPlayer就可以有 音乐的url参数,是否需要音量控制的参数等等。 我们在构造函数的内部需要创建一个缺省的参数对象defaults,然后还需要有一个传入的参数和缺省的参数相互匹配的一个方法。
(function(){ this.AudioPlayer = function AudioPlayer() { var config; //定义缺省参数 var defaults = { audiodom:'', audiosrc:'', showVolume:true } //传入的参数于缺省参数的对应 if (arguments[0] && typeof arguments[0] === "object") { config = extendDefaults(defaults, arguments[0]); } } function extendDefaults(source, properties) { var property; for(property in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(property)) { source[property] = properties[property]; } } return source; }})();
公有方法的作用很明显,可以创建这个对象的一些在外部需要调用的功能,如: 我在这里简单的写了一个当播放器切换音乐来源url的时候的一个公有方法,因为当需要换音乐url的时候,不需要再去重新创建一个播放器对象了。
AudioPlayer.prototype.setAudioSrc = function (src) { this.audioPlayer.setAttribute('src',src); }
(function(){ this.AudioPlayer = function AudioPlayer() { var config; //定义缺省参数 var defaults = { audiodom:'', audiosrc:'', showVolume:true } //传入的参数于缺省参数的对应 if (arguments[0] && typeof arguments[0] === "object") { config = extendDefaults(defaults, arguments[0]); } } //公有方法 AudioPlayer.prototype.setAudioSrc = function (src) { this.audioPlayer.setAttribute('src',src); } function extendDefaults(source, properties) { var property; for(property in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(property)) { source[property] = properties[property]; } } return source; }})();
以下就是一个播放器的js代码,css部分我就不贴出代码来了,附上github 的地址:
(function () { this.AudioPlayer = function AudioPlayer() { var config; // Define option defaults var defaults = { audiodom:'', audiosrc:'', showVolume:true } // Create options by extending defaults with the passed in arugments if (arguments[0] && typeof arguments[0] === "object") { config = extendDefaults(defaults, arguments[0]); } var duration; var myAudioPlayer = document.createElement("div"); var audioPlayer = document.createElement("audio"); var playButton = document.createElement("button"); var timeLine = document.createElement("div"); var timeProgressBar = document.createElement("span"); var playhead = document.createElement("div"); var currentTime = document.createElement("div"); var volumeLine = document.createElement("div"); var volumeLineBar = document.createElement("span"); var volumeLineHead = document.createElement("div"); var volumeHorn = document.createElement('span'); var playheadSpan = document.createElement('span'); var timelineWidth = 230; var volumelinewidth = 50; var onplayhead = false; var volumeStatus = []; this.myAudioPlayer = myAudioPlayer; this.playhead = playhead; this.timeProgressBar = timeProgressBar; this.timelineWidth = timelineWidth; this.playButton = playButton; this.currentTime = currentTime; this.transTime = transTime; this.intialStatus = intialStatus; this.playStatus = playStatus; this.volumeHorn = volumeHorn; this.audioPlayer = audioPlayer; myAudioPlayer.className = "audioplayer"; playButton.className = "playbutton play"; timeLine.className = "timeline"; timeProgressBar.className = "time-progress-bar"; playhead.className = "playhead intial"; playheadSpan.className = 'round'; currentTime.className = "current-time"; audioPlayer.setAttribute('controls', 'controls'); audioPlayer.style.display = "none"; volumeLine.className = "audio-line"; volumeLineHead.className = "audio-line-head"; volumeLineBar.className = "audio-line-bar"; volumeHorn.className = 'horn full'; if(config.audiodom === ''){ document.body.appendChild(myAudioPlayer); }else{ document.getElementById(config.audiodom).appendChild(myAudioPlayer); } myAudioPlayer.appendChild(playButton); playhead.appendChild(playheadSpan); timeLine.appendChild(timeProgressBar); timeLine.appendChild(playhead); myAudioPlayer.appendChild(timeLine); myAudioPlayer.appendChild(currentTime); myAudioPlayer.appendChild(audioPlayer); volumeLine.appendChild(volumeLineBar); volumeLine.appendChild(volumeLineHead); myAudioPlayer.appendChild(volumeHorn); myAudioPlayer.appendChild(volumeLine); if (config.hasOwnProperty("audiosrc")) { audioPlayer.setAttribute('src', config.audiosrc); } else{ playButton.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); timeLine.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); volumeLine.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); playhead.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); volumeLineHead.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); volumeHorn.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); } if(config.hasOwnProperty("showVolume")){ if(!config.showVolume){ volumeLine.style.display='block'; volumeLineHead.style.display='block'; volumeLineBar.style.display='block'; myAudioPlayer.style.width ='430px'; } } audioPlayer.addEventListener('loadedmetadata',function(){ currentTime.innerHTML = transTime(parseInt(audioPlayer.duration)); },false); playButton.addEventListener('click', play, false); audioPlayer.addEventListener('timeupdate', timeUpdate, false); audioPlayer.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function () { duration = audioPlayer.duration; }, false); timeLine.addEventListener('click', function (event) { moveplayhead(event); audioPlayer.currentTime = duration * clickPercent(event); }, false); playhead.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDown, false); window.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp, false); volumeLine.addEventListener('click', function (event) { movevolumehead(event); audioPlayer.volume = volumeClickPercent(event); if (audioPlayer.volume == 0) { volumeHorn.className = 'horn'; }else if(audioPlayer.volume>=0.8){ volumeHorn.className = 'horn full'; }else if(audioPlayer.volume>=0.5){ volumeHorn.className = 'horn two'; }else if(audioPlayer.volume>0){ volumeHorn.className = 'horn one'; } }, false); //volumeLineHead.addEventListener('mousedown', volumeMouseDown, false); //window.addEventListener('mouseup', volumeMouseUp, false); //声音按钮控制 volumeHorn.addEventListener('click',function(event){ if (audioPlayer.volume > 0) { volumeStatus[0] = audioPlayer.volume; volumeStatus[1] = volumeHorn.className; volumeStatus[2] = volumeLineBar.style.width; volumeStatus[3] = volumeLineHead.style.marginLeft; volumeHorn.className = 'horn'; movevolumehead(event); audioPlayer.volume = volumeClickPercent(event); }else{ audioPlayer.volume = volumeStatus[0]; volumeHorn.className = volumeStatus[1]; volumeLineBar.style.width = volumeStatus[2]; volumeLineHead.style.marginLeft = volumeStatus[3]; } },false); //样式调整 //设置成初始状态 function intialStatus(){ playhead.className = 'playhead intial'; } //设置成播放状态 function playStatus(){ playhead.className = 'playhead'; } function mouseDown() { //样式调整 playStatus(); onplayhead = true; window.addEventListener('mousemove', moveplayhead, true); audioPlayer.removeEventListener('timeupdate', timeUpdate, false); } function mouseUp(e) { //样式调整 if (parseInt(playhead.style.marginLeft) <= 0) { intialStatus(); } if (onplayhead == true) { moveplayhead(e); window.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveplayhead, true); // change current time audioPlayer.currentTime = duration * clickPercent(e); audioPlayer.addEventListener('timeupdate', timeUpdate, false); } onplayhead = false; } function clickPercent(e) { var timelineleft = getOffsetLeft(timeLine); return (e.pageX - timelineleft) / timelineWidth; } function volumeClickPercent(e) { var volume = 0; var volumeLineLeft = getOffsetLeft(volumeLine); if ((e.pageX - volumeLineLeft) / volumelinewidth < 0)volume = 0; if ((e.pageX - volumeLineLeft) / volumelinewidth > 1)volume = 1; if ((e.pageX - volumeLineLeft) / volumelinewidth >= 0 && (e.pageX - volumeLineLeft) / volumelinewidth <= 1)volume = (e.pageX - volumeLineLeft) / volumelinewidth; return volume; } function moveplayhead(e) { var timelineleft = getOffsetLeft(timeLine); var newMargLeft = e.pageX - timelineleft; if (newMargLeft >= 0 && newMargLeft <= timelineWidth) { playhead.style.marginLeft = newMargLeft + "px"; timeProgressBar.style.width = newMargLeft * 100 / timelineWidth + "%"; } if (newMargLeft < 0) { playhead.style.marginLeft = "0px"; timeProgressBar.style.width = "0%"; } if (newMargLeft > timelineWidth) { playhead.style.marginLeft = timelineWidth + "px"; timeProgressBar.style.width = "100%"; } } function movevolumehead(e) { var volumeLineLeft = getOffsetLeft(volumeLine); var newMargLeft = e.pageX - volumeLineLeft; if (newMargLeft >= 0 && newMargLeft <= volumelinewidth) { volumeLineHead.style.marginLeft = newMargLeft-10 + "px"; volumeLineBar.style.width = newMargLeft * 100 / volumelinewidth + "%"; } if (newMargLeft < 0) { volumeLineHead.style.marginLeft = "-10px"; volumeLineBar.style.width = "0%"; } if (newMargLeft > timelineWidth) { volumeLineHead.style.marginLeft = volumelinewidth-10 + "px"; volumeLineBar.style.width = "100%"; } } function play() { //样式控制 playStatus(); // start music if (audioPlayer.paused) { audioPlayer.play(); // remove play, add pause playButton.className = ""; playButton.className = "playbutton pause"; } else { // pause music audioPlayer.pause(); // remove pause, add play playButton.className = ""; playButton.className = "playbutton play"; } } function timeUpdate() { var playPercent = audioPlayer.currentTime / duration; var playPercentWidth = timelineWidth * playPercent; var playTime = transTime(parseInt(audioPlayer.currentTime)); currentTime.innerHTML = playTime; playhead.style.marginLeft = playPercentWidth + "px"; timeProgressBar.style.width = playPercent * 100 + "%"; if (audioPlayer.currentTime == duration) { playButton.className = ""; playButton.className = "playbutton play"; } } function transTime(time){ if (time<10) { return('00:0'+time); }else if(time<60){ return('00:'+time); }else if(time<600){ var i = parseInt(time/60); var j = parseInt(time%60); if (j<10) { return('0'+i+':0'+j); }else{ return('0'+i+':'+j); } }else if(time<6000){ var i = parseInt(time/60); var j = parseInt(time%60); if (j<10) { return(i+':0'+j); }else{ return(i+':'+j); } }else{ return time; } } function volumeMouseDown() { onplayhead = true; window.addEventListener('mousemove', movevolumehead, true); //audioPlayer.removeEventListener('timeupdate', timeUpdate, false); } function volumeMouseUp(e) { if (onplayhead == true) { movevolumehead(e); window.removeEventListener('mousemove', movevolumehead, true); audioPlayer.volume = volumeClickPercent(e); } onplayhead = false; } function getOffsetLeft( elem ) { var offsetLeft = 0; do { if ( !isNaN( elem.offsetLeft ) ) { offsetLeft += elem.offsetLeft; } } while( elem = elem.offsetParent ); return offsetLeft; } } AudioPlayer.prototype.getAudioPlayer = function () { return this.myAudioPlayer; }; AudioPlayer.prototype.setAudioSrc = function (src) { this.audioPlayer.setAttribute('src',src); } // Utility method to extend defaults with user options function extendDefaults(source, properties) { var property; for (property in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(property)) { source[property] = properties[property]; } } return source; }})();